• Flame 2024

Note! Due to Autodesk's new buying experience, licenses are purchased via quote. Contact us for a quote.

Flame® 3D VFX and finishing software provides powerful tools for 3D compositing, visual effects, and editorial finishing. An integrated, creative environment means faster compositing, advanced graphics, color correction, and more.

Key features

AI-powered tools for isolating and modifying common objects

Generate a 3D normal map from face detection to use for color adjustment, relighting, and digital cosmetic and beauty work. Use selective render options to refine the result in combination with the selective that is generated by the normal map.

Maintain a creative mindset in a simple, task-based environment

Edit, composite, and color correct in one environment, without toggling between software. Create and iterate quickly for more productive client sessions.

Integrate with Maya & Mudbox

Collaboration with Maya® enables import of files and FBX file round-tripping, resulting in higher-quality scenes, faster. Use the new “Send to” workflow to instantly exchange 3D scenes between Flame and Maya or Mudbox®.

Expand your capabilities with the Flame family

Collaborate with the Flame Assist and Flare assistant stations for Flame. Add Lustre to make use of real-time color grading.

General information
Licence type Rental
System requirements Flame system requirements


About Autodesk products

  • Most products include access to the latest as well as five previous software versions.
  • All available new product licenses are subscription licenses. Most products are also available for occasional use via the Autodesk Flex pay-as-you-go service. Find out more.
  • You can easily renew your subscription here before it expires.

NTI ArkSystems Oy is an Autodesk Platinum Partner

Flame 2024

  • Price (VAT 0%)

    3,915.00 €

Available Options

Tags: Video Production

Supported payment methods: